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Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI)

Last updated: May 30, 2022

It is essential for any power utility to provide sufficient energy enough for all the loads connected to the system. To achieve this, the generation and distribution system should be equipped with instruments to determine...

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Ring Main Unit in Electrical Distribution System

Last updated: Apr 19, 2022

What is a Ring Main Unit?

In an electrical power distribution system, a ring main unit (RMU) is a factory assembled, metal enclosed set of switchgear at the load connection points of a ring-type distribution network. It...

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Lossless Transmission Line, Characteristic Impedance and Surge Impedance Loading

Last updated: Mar 15, 2022

For the development of our society, it is essential to have a natural tendency to make things around us more efficient. The reason behind this eagerness is everything in the world is limited. So, the only way to ensure our...

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What is Nuisance Tripping and How to Prevent it in Electrical Power Systems?

Last updated: Feb 11, 2022

The Electrical grid is the fundamental requirement of modern-day society. Ideally, power system reliability needs to be preserved for power system operations, ensuring continued power supply to the customers at all times and...

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New Course | IEEE 1584-2018 | Guide for Performing Arc Flash Calculations

Last updated: Jan 18, 2022

This course is for qualified electricians, professional engineers, EITs, drafters, equipment reps, suppliers, and distributors. This course is also useful for facility engineers and managers, utility personnel, and...

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Panelboards, Switchboards and Switchgears

Last updated: Nov 16, 2021

In power system design, there is usually an ambiguity about the application of switchboard, switchgear, or panelboard. The basic purpose of all these switching gears is to supply a common node of power distribution at...

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Electromechanical Relays and Numerical Relays: A Detailed Comparison

Last updated: Oct 14, 2021

Many technologies that were popular a few years back, have started to disappear today. This is only because of the continuous change and innovation in technology. Due to the technological advancements, most of the...

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Why we need Protective Relays for Transformer Protection?

Last updated: Aug 23, 2021

Transformers are one of the most important components of an electrical power system and protecting them is an essential requirement.

The Protection Schemes used for a transformer depend upon the rating and application of the...

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Ferranti Effect in Transmission Line

Last updated: Nov 25, 2020

In the vast system of electrical energy transmission there are many devices and components that are used to ensure safety of human life and devices, reliability, and efficient transmission of electricity. On the contrary, we...

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Importance of Power Quality in Power Systems

Last updated: Oct 26, 2021

Electricity with a bad quality is dangerous and uneconomical at both utility and consumer end. There is a big need to focus on the quality of power being supplied to the loads. Read more as we cover causes of poor power...

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