HP to Amps or Amps to HP calculator are mainly used for motor circuits. HP is used to express output power and Amps expresses full load Amps or rated input current.
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What is Horsepower:
Horsepower is the unit used to express mechanical output power of motor and engine. It is defined as the amount of power that is used to lift 745.7 N of weight to 1m in 1s by a horse.
HP to Amps or Amps to HP calculator parameter:
- Choose what to calculate: HP to Amps or Amps to HP
- if HP to amps selected: rated amps
- If Amps to HP selected: rated HP
- Option: For DC, 1∅, 2∅, and 3∅, motors
- Rated voltage (volts): for 3 phase voltages, line to line and line to neutral option is provided
- Efficiency: given in percentage (%)
- Power factor: in percentage or unit (specified for single phase, two phase and three phase)
Converting HP to Amps:
A general step for converting HP to amps for all types of circuit is given as:
Step1: converting HP to watts, by multiplying HP with 746.
Step2: dividing watts with voltage(V) and efficiency to get the required amps(I).
For DC circuits:
The formula for DC circuits is given below.
For 1 phase AC circuit:
The formula for single phase AC circuit is same as DC with an addition of power factor (p.f) which is given as:
For 2 phase AC circuits::
The formula for two phase AC circuit is same as single phase AC circuit with an additional factor of 2 which is given as:
For 3 phase AC circuits:
The formula for three phase AC circuit is same as two phase AC circuit but instead of 2 we use square root 3 (~1.73) when voltage is expressed in terms of line to line (Vll) which is given as:
When voltage is expressed in terms of line to neutral then we use 3 instead of 1.73.
Converting Amps to HP:
A general step for converting amps to HP for all types of circuit is given as:
Step1: finding power (in watts) by multiplying voltage(V), current(I) and efficiency (%).
Step2: converting watts to HP, by dividing watts with 746.
For DC circuits:
The formula for DC circuits is given below.
For 1 phase AC circuit:
The formula for single phase AC circuit is same as DC with an addition of power factor (p.f) which is given as:
For 2 phase AC circuits:
The formula for two phase AC circuit is same as single phase AC circuit with an additional factor of 2 which is given as:
For 3 phase AC circuits:
The formula for three phase AC circuit is same as two phase AC circuit but instead of 2 we use square root 3 (~1.73) when voltage is expressed in terms of line to line (Vll) which is given as:
When voltage is expressed in terms of line to neutral then we use 3 instead of 1.73.
In the above formulas:
- As efficiency is expressed in percentage (%) it must be divided by 100 to get the required answer.
- power factor (p.f) is given in form of unit, ranging from 0 to 1 (for example: 0.8, 0.9). If p.f is expressed in terms of percentage then it is first converted into units by dividing percentage power factor by 100 and then its value is given in the formula.
Solved Example:
For DC circuits:
HP to Amps conversion:
Consider a DC motor that has the following data:
Voltage =120 V
Efficiency =90 %
Power= 3 HP
Current (I)=? (Amps)
From DC circuit formula for HP to Amps conversion:
Amps to HP conversion:
Consider a motor that has the following data:
Voltage =120 V
Efficiency =90 %
Current (I)=15 Amps
Power=? (HP)
From DC circuit formula for Amps to HP conversion:
For 1 phase circuits:
HP to Amps conversion:
Consider a single phase AC motor that has the following data:
Voltage =230 V
Efficiency =90 %
Power= 2 HP
Power factor (p.f) =0.92
Current (I)=? (Amps)
From single phase AC circuit formula for HP to Amps conversion:
Amps to HP conversion:
Consider a single phase motor that has the following data:
Voltage =230 V
Efficiency =90 %
Current (I)=20 Amps
Power factor (p.f) =0.92
Power=? (HP)
From single phase AC circuit formula for Amps to HP conversion:
For 2 phase circuits:
HP to Amps conversion:
Consider a two phase motor that has the following data:
Voltage =220 V
Efficiency =88 %
Power= 2 HP
Power factor (p.f) =0.9
Current (I)=? (Amps)
From two phase AC circuit formula for HP to Amps conversion:
Amps to HP conversion:
Consider a two phase motor that has the following data:
Voltage =220 V
Efficiency =88 %
Current (I)=15 Amps
Power factor (p.f) =0.9
Power=? (HP)
From two phase AC circuit formula for Amps to HP conversion:
For 3 phase circuits:
HP to Amps conversion:
Consider a three phase motor that has the following data:
Voltage (line to line) =480 V
Efficiency =90 %
Power= 25 HP
Power factor (p.f) =0.9
Current (I)=? (Amps)
From three phase AC circuit formula for HP to Amps conversion:
If we change voltage from line to line to line to neutral, for example: V (line to neutral) =277.13 V
Then we will be calculating it using formula of 3 phase AC circuit when voltage is given as line to neutral that is:
Amps to HP conversion:
Consider a three phase motor that has the following data:
Voltage =480 V
Efficiency =90 %
Current (I)=25 Amps
Power factor (p.f) =0.9
Power=? (HP)
From three phase AC circuit formula for Amps to HP conversion:
If we change voltage from line to line to line to neutral, for example: V (line to neutral) =277.13 V (480/1.73)
Then we will be calculating it using formula of 3 phase AC circuit when voltage is given as line to neutral that is: