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Protection and Coordination Fundamentals for Utility Distribution Systems

Coupon Code: PCF75

In this course, you'll learn how most North American electric utilities and energy providers protect their overhead and underground systems. We'll also dive into Short Circuit current requests for customer Arc Flash Studies and cover nuisances around these calculations. Learn about this on the main page of this course below

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What People Are Saying:

Very good explanation with easy understanding. Excellent information about some types of protection relays.

Mohammed AlMohammedSaleh

Thank you for the discount I appreciate the opportunity to take part in this course and learn at a reasonable price.

Aneka Greene

This is the best presentation on relays ever watch and learn. Excellent style of presenting. Thank you Sir!

Joshua Liuga Suiramo

It is very much informative and I understand now what I did not understood before when I'm doing self study, thus it's good to have this kind of clear explanation.

Romulo M. De Angel Jr.

The presentation is good and clear.

Camilo A. Madjos Jr

You are knowledgeable and skillful in breaking down the complex subject to a simple and easy to understand. I wish I have such a lecturer back in my days at the University. Keep up the good for mankind.

Joshua Liuga Suiramo

Very interesting course. Thanks a lot for giving me an opportunity to study.

Moe Kyaw

Thank you a lot AllumiaX. You are doing great thing to the engineering. Wooow!!

Abdirisak abdulkadir Gacshe

Very simple and easy way of explanation.

Ayyagari Srinivas

The course content looks very interesting and I look forward to delving in and having a great learning experience.

Michael Miller

Thank so much for this valuable contain. The way you explain make more easier to understand a complex concept and help to reduce the time spent in learning.
